2022 Bios for TNSAE Director Positions (two 3-year terms)

2022 Bios for TNSAE Director Positions (two 3-year terms)


Tom Morrison is a 1990 graduate of Florida State University with a B.S. in Finance and currently serves as CEO of the Metal Treating Institute and President of Tom Morrison & Associates.  Tom has over 25 years of experience in business and association management having served as CEO of three non-profit organizations.  Through Tom’s leadership, his current association’s net worth has grown over 2,600% since 2006.  Tom attributes this growth through embracing change, focusing on marketplace disruption and driving maximum value to the customer experience.

After living in Florida from 2001 to 2019, Tom moved his association’s offices to Nashville, TN and he has a big desire to get involved with TNSAE as he was with FSAE. Tom served in many capacities within the Florida Society of Association Executives during his time in Florida from 2006 – 2019 including:

  • Marketing Committee
  • Education Committee Chair (2x)
  • Conference Committee Chair (2x)
  • Governance Task Force
  • Membership Committee
  • Board of Directors (2010 – 2013)

Tom is also a member of the American Society of Association Executives and Council of Manufacturing Association Executives. Tom has been active in his career at the local and national level in his industry trade associations and in 2012 was named the FSAE Executive of the Year.  Tom’s passion is inspiring people, associations and companies to maximize their success and seizing the opportunity by embracing the fast past changes he calls Future 4.0.



Mitch Turner is the director of communications and marketing for Greater Nashville REALTORS®. Turner has over 14 years of extensive public relations experience and is a skilled media spokesperson with a proven record of successful marketing campaigns, creating highly effective brand strategies and managing high-level events. Turner is a certified crisis communications manager and has been called on by top national brands to direct crisis communications in times of need. Turner earned his Bachelor of Science in psychology from Bryan College, his Master of Business Administration from Bryan College and is currently working on his Ph.D. in Leadership at the University of the Cumberlands.  Mitch is an avid community volunteer and serves as head cheerleading coach of Hume-Fogg High School.